العربية، الإنجليزية

التنظيمات السياسية في بلاد العرب قبل الإسلام

(بحث مقدم لجامعـة الخرطـوم لنيل درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في التاريخ)
مجتبى علي إبراهيم محمد

Abstract in English: 
Abstract The present study aims to acknowledge the types of political organization structure among the pre - Islam Arabians and that through gathering information about political organizations in the pre – Islam Arabians areas in one study. The methodology was choosing is the descriptive and historic method. The researcher has dealt with this topic by dividing it into six chapters, the first chapter included the geography and the residents of the Arabian peninsula and that has been taken through the study of location, climate, economical resources, in addition to its ethnic structure. The second chapter displayed state and kingdoms of pre – Islam Arabians classified in to southern Arabian kingdoms such as: Muien, Sabaa and Gattaban. And for exampale to the northern kingdoms such as: Manazira, Gassasina, The Lihyneen and Tadmour. And the state and kingdoms of mid Arabians areas symbolized in the kingdom of Kunda and state of citeies in Yathrib, Taief and Mecca. The third chapter concenterated on the Arabian tribe focusing on the importance of Its social and political structure beside religion in the pre – Islam Arabian society, that was put under the heading (The general situation in the Arabian peninsula in the pre – Islam era). The fourth chapter was specified to study patterns from Arabian southern areas namely the kingdom of Sabaa where the research has focused on Sabaa kingdom history, its peoples and the monarchy origination structure beside giving detailed information about the super class members. There after chapter five introduced the Gassasisina kingdom as a case study from the state and kingdoms of the north where its history and government structure are studied. The last chapter went to explain the political situation, as mentioned before, for Goreaish in Mecca. By investigating the governmental structure in the three fone mentioned examples the researcher was able to investigate the changes witnessed by development of those structure through out the ongoing process of time until the appearance of Islam. The study concluded by conferring the existence of political institutions through with the pre – Islam Arabians ruled their states and kingdoms. These institutions seemed obscured and vague at first. Then as time passed on these institutions start to be clear. Eventually as we reached the era in immediately before the coming of Islam, these institutions became very clear and specific as the ( و ) case of Mecca. The researcher has come out with a number of recommendations that proclaim the vitality of the study of ancient systems and political structures which were accepted and approved by Islam.

الإعلام والعولمة

الإعلام والعولمة .. قراءة نقدية وتلخيص لكتاب " أ.د. عبد الرزاق محمد الدليمي"
بقلم عمر غازي

القسم بالزمان في آيات القرآن (دراسة لغوية‎ ‎وحقيقة كونية)

القسم بالزمان في آيات القرآن (دراسة لغوية‎ ‎وحقيقة كونية)

محمد البع

Title in English: 
Swearing by Time in the Quranic Verses: A Linguistic Study and a Universal Phenomen on Moreover.
Abstract in English: 
This research examines swearing by time semantically and syntactically, indicating its purposes, the temporal expressions related to night and day, and their denotations. The study also illustrates the characteristics of the clause of swearing by time in the Quranic verses. Moreover, it discusses the scientificobservationsofhowtheMakkiChapters(suras)andthelastsection(Juzu’)of the holy Quran are distinguished wity this kind of swearing and how this is related to the different universal phenomena in the balance between night and day in terms of their times and distributions of the earth.

التحويل في الجملة الفعلية العربية : دراسة تحليلية في ضوء نظرية الربط والعمل

اعداد : عبد الرحيم شئت ثاني

بحث تكميلي لمتطلبات نيل درجة الماجستير في اللغة العربية بوصفها لغة ثانية قسم اللغة العربية ( يونيو 1998م)

خلاصة البحث



BY: CHONG LAIHAR A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Human Science in English as a second language

Department of English (JUNE 1998)

Title in English: 

ظاهرة الانسجام الصوتي في القران الكريم

رسالة جامعية تقدم بها الباحث هايل محمد الفقراء لنيل درجة الماجستير في جامعة مؤتة في اللغة العربية وآدابها ، وقد نوقشت هذه الرسالة بتاريخ 8/5/1996م، وقام بالإشراف عليها د. عبد القادر مرعي خليل .


أخلاقيات خبراء فحص المستندات

محمد فهمي العلي, MOHAMMED FAHMI ALALI
بحث يتحدث عن واجبات خبير فحص المستندات وما بجب أن يكون عليه في المحكمة وفي حال اقرار التهمة على الجاني وكيف يصدر القرار بدون تحيز

Title in English: 
Examination of documents
Abstract in English: 
Examination of documents: A fundamental branch of forensic science is the examination of documents; this comprises the study of handwriting, signatures, and text produced by typewriters and printing accessories. When focusing on printed text, the assessment takes into account specific issues such as the type of paper, type of ink, security holograms, and prints of seals and tags. The expert’s examination of documents must be conducted with great integrity, skill and experience and meet special conditions. This is necessary as the findings of the expert will determine the fate of the individuals under suspicion. The document examination branch of forensic science falls into three categories: Document Analysis, Document Comparison and Document Questioning.

طريقة التلقين في التدريس والإحتراق النفسي للمعلم

التجديد في تعليم اللغة العربي للكبار:الطريقة التواصلية أنموذجاً

التجديد في تعليم اللغة العربي للكبار:الطريقة التواصلية أنموذجاً

بحث مقدم إلى مؤتمر:
العلوم التربوية والنفسية "تحديات وتطبيقات مستقبلية"
بجامعة اليرموك بالأردن

أ.د. سام عمار



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