الدكتور عصام عبد الحميد محمد يوسف معهد بحوث الإرشاد الزراعى والتنمية الريفية

Some Factors Affecting Knowledge and Adoption of New Practices Among Fish Farms and Cages Householders In Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates

Title in English: 
Some Factors Affecting Knowledge and Adoption of New Practices Among Fish Farms and Cages Householders In Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates
Abstract in English: 
The study aimed mainly to identify factors affecting knowledge and adoption of householders and cages in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates for new practices. The data was collected from two samples through interview. The first sample consists of 144 householders in fish farms (about 30% from total householders in fish farms in the two governorates). The second was 111 householders in fish cages (about 50% from total householders in fish cages in the two governorates). The selected interviewers have been working in fish activities for five years or more. Percentages, frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation, multiple regression, were utilized as statistical methods in analyzing and presenting the data. This study consists of five chapters; the first deals with the research problem, its importance and objectives. The second deals with the theoretical framework and literature review. The third includes the research methodology and the fourth covers the research findings and discussion. The fifth involves the summary and recommendations. Major findings of this study could be summarized as follows: -Characteristics of the respondents of fish farms and fish cages: The results showed that there was about 49% of the fish farms respondents have the ages of 50 Years or more, while 48% of the fish cages respondents were between 20-40 Years old, 52% of the fish farms respondents have an experience of more than 15 Years, while 9% only of the fish cages respondents have an experience more than 15 Years. 50% of the fish farms respondents have less than 30 feddans; and 69% of the fish cages respondents have one to five fish cages. - Knowledge Level respondents of fish farms and fish cages: The results revealed that 17% only of fish farms respondents have high knowledge level in the two Governorates. This level includes 39% from respondents in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate and 3% only of fish farms respondents in Damietta. The results also showed that 29% of fish cages respondents in high knowledge level in the two Governorates. This level includes 31% respondents in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate and 27% respondents in Damietta Governorate. Adoption level respondents of fish farms and fish cages: The results revealed that the adoption level was found high in about 8% of fish farms respondents in the two Governorates. This level includes 22% of Kafr El-Sheikh respondents, while this level doesn’t have anyone of Damietta respondents. Moreover the results showed that the adoption level was found high in 13% of fish cages respondents in the two Governorates. This level includes 21.5% of Kafr El-Sheikh respondents and 5% of Damietta respondents. - Correlated variables and its effect on respondents knowledge level of fish farms to technical practices in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates: The results indicated that there were a positive correlation and statistically significant at the five percent level between respondents knowledge level of fish farms to technical practices and the following independent variables the working in aquaculture hole, social participation, leadership in aquaculture, attitudes towards fish breeding in fish farms, economic return of the idea, cosmopoliteness, aspiration, respondent educational level. At the same time it was found a negative correlation and statistically significant at the five percent level between respondents knowledge level of fish farms to technical practices and the following independent variables: the experience in aquaculture, the nearness of farm to the market, hes of the nearness of the farm of irrigation source, respondents age. The results showed that the variations of the independent variables of this study explain about 50% of the total variations in respondents knowledge level of fish farms to technical practices. The step-wise procedure yielded an equation containing only four independent variables that explain about 40% of the variations in the respondents knowledge level of fish farms to technical practices. This variables are: means of transportion from and to farm. the economic return of the idea leadership in aquaculture and experience in aquaculture. - Correlated variables and its effect on respondents` knowledge of fish cages to technical practices in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates: The results indicated that there were a positive correlation and statistically significant at the five level between respondents1 knowledge level of fish cages to technical practices and the following independent variables: exposure to information source, leadership in aquaculture, extension communication, simplicity or complexity of the idea. diffusion, of the idea the working in aquaculture hold, aspiration, tendency to innovation, attitudes towards fish breeding in fish cages and idea costs. The results showed that the independent variables of this study explain about 47% of the total variation in respondents` knowledge level of fish cages to technical practices. The step-wise procedure yielded an equation containing only four independent variables that explain about 36% of the variation in respondents` knowledge level of fish cages to technical practices. these variables are extension communication, exposure to information source, idea diffusion, simplicity or complexity of the idea. - Correlated variables and its effect on respondents` adoption level of fish farms to technical practices in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates: The results indicated that there were a positive correlation and statistically significant at the five percent level between respondents` adoption level of fish farms to technical practices and the following independent variables: respondents educational level, social participation, attitudes towards fish breeders in fish farms, extension communication, the economic return of the idea working in aquaculture hold and cosmopoliteness. Moreover there were a negative correlation statistically significant at the five percent level between respondents` adoption level of fish farms to technical practices, and the following independent variables: respondents age, experience in aquaculture, closeness of the farm to the market the closeness of the farm to irrigation source, transportation means from and to farm. The results also showed that the independent variables of this study explain about 54% of the total variation in respondents` adoption level of fish farms to technical practices. The step-wise procedure yielded an equation containing only four independent variables that explain about 44% of the variation in respondents` adoption level of fish farms to technical practices. These variables are transportations means from and to farm. The economic return, of the idea, leadership in aquaculture and exposure information source. - Correlated variables and its effect on respondents adoption level of fish cages to technical practices in Kafr El-Sheikn and Damietta Governorates: The results indicated that there were a positive correlation and statistically significant at at the five precent level between respondents` adoption levels of fish cages to technical practices and the following independent variables: exposure to information source, extension communication, simplicity or complexity,of the idea, diffusion, of the idea number of participation persons, family in aquaculture, the working in aquaculture hold, tendency to innovation. attitudes towards fish breeders in fish cages. The results also revealed that the independent variables of this study explain about 43.2% of the total variation in respondents` adoption level of fish cages to technical practices. The step-wise precedure yielded an equation containing only five independent variables that explain about 32% of the variation in respondents` adoption level of fish cages to technical practices. These variables are: extension communication, diffusion, of the idea, average size of fish cage, aspiration and costs of the idea. The main problem facing the respondents of fish farms in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates are the high price of the fry, polution of watter, and the unavailability of the fry at the ideal time . The results also showed that the main problems facing the respondents of the fish cages in Kafr El-Sheikh and Damietta Governorates were the difficulty of renewing the license in the Nile Water. the pollution of the Nile Water at the fish cages area, and that fry are not available at the proper time.
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