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Odoo Specialists

تقييم هذا المقال
Odoo specialists are professionals who possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in implementing, customizing, and managing Odoo ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. Odoo is an open-source platform widely used by businesses for managing various functions such as accounting, inventory, HR, CRM, and more and it's Provided By NTS.
Skills of Odoo Specialists:

  1. Technical Expertise:

    • Proficiency in Python and PostgreSQL, Odoo's core programming and database languages.
    • Experience in developing custom Odoo modules.
    • Knowledge of XML, JavaScript, and QWeb for interface customizations.

  2. Functional Knowledge:

    • Deep understanding of Odoo modules like Sales, Accounting, HR, Manufacturing, etc.
    • Ability to analyze business processes and map them to Odoo functionalities.

  3. Implementation Experience:

    • Expertise in deploying Odoo across various industries.
    • Skills in data migration, integration with third-party tools, and system configuration.

  4. Problem-Solving Skills:

    • Troubleshooting Odoo errors.
    • Providing ongoing support and maintenance.

  5. Soft Skills:

    • Strong communication to understand client requirements.
    • Project management for ensuring timely delivery.
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