
القيم التربوية المتضمنة في النصوص المسرحية المقدمة للمسـرح المدرسي

ملخص رسالة ماجستير
جامعة عين شمس
معهد الدراسات العليا للطفولة
قسم الإعلام وثقافة الطفل
القيم التربوية المتضمنة في النصوص المسرحية المقدمة للمسـرح المدرسي ( دراسة تحليلية)

Title in English: 
the educational values which included in the scripts that presented for the school theater
Abstract in English: 
Summary Introduction The theatrical scripts is considered the basic element on which the activity of scholastic theatre is found , also it is considered the main cause of any successful play. To let the pupils gain the values is also one of the basic goals of the scholastic theatre , and that would be during their deferent phases of growing . this comes true through educational dramatic situations and their exposure to models of positive examples , thus it helps the children to obtain the educational values which were aimed to bring up those children up on them . The study's problem : The problem of this study is simply summarized in the following question :"what are the educational values which included in the scripts that presented for the school theater ?". The importance of the study : 1. The importance of studying the contents of the theatrical scripts which we perform on the stage as thy are very important so as they are presented to children , and they should conclude the values which we hope children to gain . 2. It is important to study the content of the theatrical scripts on the scholastic stag as they present the educational values that they are prevailing in the local society . 3. This study is a step on the way in the field of the Arabic studies which are very low in number and that is very obvious in the field of the school theater and values which are performed to the pupils at the age between (13-15) years old . The aims of the study : 1. the identification of the most important educational values that are included in the theatrical scripts either out spoken or implicit also to measure the averages of the existence of these values . 2. the realization of the secondary values of the educational values and how much they exist in the theatrical scripts . 3. the recognition of the actual scripts that are being presented to the school theater and also what more it needs . 4. assuming a set of suggestions and recommendations to increase the efficiency of the theatrical scripts with which we could promote the school theater and also to over come the problems , and to embody them to be available to the specialists and the responsible and to put in use . The kind of the study : This study belongs to the descriptive studies which concentrate on describing the nature and characteristics and also the properties of a certain society or a situation or a group or a certain individual and the repetition phenomena . The study's curriculum : The study used the curriculum of the sample survey . The sample of the study : 50 theatrical scripts have been chosen from the scripts which are being performed in the governmental schools in Dakahlia . Tools of gathering the database : The analyzing of the content tool has been during this study to reveal the content of the theatrical scripts which are being performed on the school theater . The conclusions of the study : 1. the first source of the scripts is the ministry of education , then education subdivision offices then the school's books . 2. the written scripts came in the first place , then the prepared finally the translated scripts . 3. the common educational plays came in the first place, then the methodical .finally the occasional place . 4. the scripts paid greater attention to dramatize the science , history , Arabic and religion curriculums and neglected Geography , English and activities curriculums. 5. these scripts applied only three forms drama first tragedy , melodrama and finally comedy . 6. these scripts paid more attention in using the eloquent Arabic and less attention to slang Arabic . 7. the themes of the scripts depended on the curriculums then imagination , legends , history , modern problems and heritage. 8. the Egyptian society came first among the societies dealt with in the scripts then the Arab society then the rural society , after that the imaginary(fancy) society , next the animals and birds society then the urban society finally the foreign and coastal society . 9. the logic which unite between the reality and imagination .dominated the dialogue in the scripts then came the logic of imagination and at last the reality logic . 10. the simple plot overpowered the scripts then came the composed plot. 11. the external conflict appeared in the incidents of the scripts as the main kind of conflicts then the internal came second . 12. fair endings of the scripts came first them the open – endings then unjust and illogical endings came in the end in the scripts . 13. the educational values in the filed of morality and sociality obsessed most of the ideal content of the scripts . meanwhile the educational values in the failed of political , economical and beauty did not have the suitable attention . 14. the educational values which were concluded in the scripts came suitable for the requirements of the age that these scripts were addressed to , also were satisfactory to the needs of early adolescence . لمخاطبة الباحث jamela_ragawi@yahoo.com
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