أ.م. د. نصير صبار لفته الجبوري

التحول الإلكتروني للأعمال المصرفية للبنوك

شهد تطور الأنظمة النقدية والمصرفية بعد الأزمة الاقتصادية والنقدية العالمية الكبرى (1929/1933) تغيرات متسارعة وحاسمة، خاصة بعد انقضاء الحرب العالمية الثانية وظهور بوادر بناء نظام نقدي دولي جديد جراء عقد اتفاقية (بريتون- وودز) إذ ظهرت أدوات نقدية تدار وفق آليات وقواعد جديدة دعمها التطور الحاصل في مجال الالكترونيات الدقيقة الذي استغل في مجال الخدمات والمبادلات لاسيما في عرض خدمات الجهاز المصرفي إذ استخدم فيها جملة خدمات على رأسها وسائل الدفع الالكترونية الحديثة.

Title in English: 
Electronic transformation of bank banking (Lectures given to Master's students - Commercial Law)
Abstract in English: 
The development of the monetary and banking systems after the Great Depression and the Great Depression (1929/1933) witnessed rapid and decisive changes, especially after the end of the Second World War and the emergence of a new international monetary system as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Supported the development in the field of microelectronics, which has been used in the field of services and exchanges, especially in the presentation of services of the banking system, using a range of services, including modern electronic payment methods. In the past few years, the meditator has seen a revolution in information and communication technology that has radically influenced the way business transactions or transactions have been in line with the business environment and the pace of transactions, especially in the field of banking operations. Since the second half of the last century, the world witnessed a scientific development in all areas of life. The most prominent of these developments was the discovery of the computer and the emergence of the Internet. This led to a real revolution in information. Thus, the information society began to be thought of as a new civilization. Where the information society prevails as an alternative to the industrial society. The banks' traditional role of accepting deposits and granting credit and looking to provide diversified banking and financial services in line with the growing growth of modern means of communication has to be reconsidered. The use of software technologies in banking has been a result of The use of the computer with the enormous capacity for storage and retrieval, and if all sectors have benefited greatly from this industry, the banking sector was not far from this benefit, which benefited greatly through the use of the completion of banking services provided to customers and from The services of the electronic transfer of money via the Internet. This has affected the quality of the money in which these transactions and deals are settled, as well as the monetary policy through which their objectives are achieved. All these transactions and mechanisms have become through electronic communication networks, which are the Internet. The economic systems of some countries have suffered from the crisis of slowness and lack of confidence in banking transactions for many years. The composition of the multinational and rapidly changing labor communities in the world, depending on the development of the fast-growing trade community, has created open markets that To make financial agreements that are not supported by the necessary resources. Thus, with deliberate fraud sometimes, many communities are vulnerable to a number of e-banking fraud incidents. With the development of social, political and economic life and in various aspects of life and the spread of civilizations, the diversity of crimes is no longer limited to conventional crimes. This enormous development led to the emergence of new types of science-based crimes, including money laundering. The gangs that deal with such crimes deal with drugs, weapons, the slave trade and counterfeiting, penetrating the international financial institutions and the laws and regulations of those countries. They are hidden from the eyes of the international security services and escape from criminal justice. The rapid developments witnessed by banks and financial institutions in the areas of electronic connectivity and other forms of electronic payment, with the increase in the volume of electronic commerce, which have an impact on the efficiency of techniques to detect financial crimes opened the door wide for money laundering operations on a large scale, And make those institutions more vulnerable to exploitation through money laundering. After the electronic transfer of money has become one of the most important means of scientific progress brought about by the recent developments in the technology of communication and information. Developed countries have realized the importance of the electronic transfer of money in the field of electronic commerce and thus the prosperity of its economy, and quickly organized it in a manner that is compatible with the world A development in the field of science and technology, which prompted the countries aspiring to growth to the need to organize to catch up with the developed countries and through the development of its economy. This study deals with the system of e-transformation of bank banking in terms of its relation to the practical and technical reality and the development of this reality. Since any new system is not initially suitable for the situation it is solved, there are many risks arising from the application That system, but that does not preclude the application of the system by developing solutions to those risks. At the outset, what is the new area that we will be going through? What is the definition of the banking operations of the banks through which it takes place? This new field is the Internet, which has many definitions, but we will limit itself to the linguistic definition of them, which overlap with each other and this leads us to demonstrate the scientific meaning of this network, which is one of the modern means of communication to negotiate and conclude contracts. And sometimes implemented and rely on computers from the computer to express the will among different people around the world and very quickly. The definition of banking operations of banks passing through this network is called electronic banking services, which are the banking operations of banks that pass through electronic means. If bank banking has known conventional images as well as monetary policy objectives, they are shaped by a set of goals that each country seeks to achieve in order to balance its economy. Therefore, to know how this mechanism is achieved through the electronic system,

حجية التحقيق الاداري في الدعوى الجزائية

تنطلق فكرة حجية التحقيق الاداري من نص المادة (10/ ثالثاً) من قانون انضباط موظفي الدولة والقطاع العام رقم (14) لسنة 1991 المعدل، اذ نصت على انه ( اذا رأت اللجنة أن فعل الموظف المحال عليها يشكل جريمة نشأت عن وظيفة او ارتكبها بصفته الرسمية فيجب عليها ان توصي بإحالته الى المحاكم المختصة).

Title in English: 
Authentic administrative investigation in the criminal case
Abstract in English: 
Launched the idea of authoritative administrative investigation of the text of Article (10 / III ) of the Act discipline of state employees and the public sector No. (14) of 1991 , as amended, as it stipulates that (if the Commission considered that the act of an employee assigned it a crime arising from a job or committed in an official capacity it must that recommends refer it to the competent courts ) . However, the authoritative administrative investigation initiated by reference to the courts of the penalty riding on the other hand for Authentic penal rule in the imposition of disciplinary punishment , as stipulated in Article ( 23 ) of the same law that ( patent does not exclude the employee or release him for the act impossible for him to the competent courts without imposing one of the penalties provided for in this law ) . Also, some courts are not considered as an administrative investigation based directory unequivocal November except in cases of financial or technical or scientific fact -based investigation with experience in administrative competence , and the administrative investigation can not rise to the level of the directory in which it adopted a conviction court against the accused , whether release or innocence or conviction. This is in addition to the acts constituting the disciplinary offense under investigation are not subject to limitation, while the criminal offenses being investigated , they limited limited and subject to criminal investigation . From here show the problematic relationship between the administrative investigation and criminal proceedings in the administrative investigation as an argument in a criminal case or not. This what بحثناه of through concept authoritative statement Conditions in the Study of the first , and the independence of the administrative investigation for criminal investigation into the Study of a second , and the role of the administrative investigation into the criminal case in the Study of the third , and the basis of authoritative administrative investigation into the Study of the fourth. Preparation A . M . D . Naseer S.L. Al- Jubouri nassirsl@yahoo.com
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