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مدى اختلاف الخصائص السيكومترية لأداة القياس في ضوء تغايير عدد بدائل الاستجابة والمرحلة الدراسية

رسالة ماجستير

Abstract in English: 
The objective of the current study is to recognize the extent of effect of the multi alternatives response of measurement tools and school stages difference on reliability and validity coefficients. Also it tried to acknowledge the extent of difference of styles or types of the individual’s response in the light of change of the number of measurement alternatives and school stages. For data collection we used scale tension list measurement for Charles Splirger & others prepared and translated to Arabic by Dr. Nabeel Al-Zahar and Dr. Danis Hosfer. Three additional forms are made of this measurement differs only in the number of response alternatives. Hence we now have four forms of the measurement (two alternatives form, three alternatives form, four alternatives and the five alternatives). The tension feature measurement for Charles Spliger & others, prepared & translated to Arabic by Dr. Al- Behairi as external examiner for measurement of concurrence validity. All these measurements were applied on a sample consist of 451 students from different stages of general education at Jeddah city. They are used in a multi-stage punch style as follows: 172 from class (6) of elementary school, 136 student from 3rd class of intermediate school and 143 students from 3rd class of secondary school, scientific section. We took in consideration while presenting the measurement to the students the following ranking: two alternatives measurement, three alternatives measurement, five alternative measurement and at last the four alternatives (original) measurement. The time interval between each application is 14 days simultaneously at each of the application school. For reply of the study inquiries a group of statistical analysis are made (Z. V. and M) to know the difference between each of the reliability & validity coefficients as used by the statistician Ka in order to recognize the difference occur at response style of each individual according to difference of alternatives numbers and age stage. From the discussion of the study result we can conclude the following: 1) The measurement tools of the psychometrical characteristics are in general affected by the change of the number of response alternatives, and hence it is not independent of it. If the number of response alternatives increase the values of reliability and validity coefficients increases, and with statistical function difference at level of 0.01 and 0.05. 2) The difference in school stage affects the validity co-efficient of measurement tools more than affection on reliability co-efficient. As it is noticed that the validity coefficient of the measurement tool increases with the increase in the mental and knowledge growth of the students. 3) The five alternatives measurement showed high reliability degree compared to other measurements. On the other hand the four alternatives measurement has higher validity co-efficient value than other measurements. 4) The values of the reliability & validity coefficients increases when the alternative tools are many, particularly when the respondents are of high caliber and have high incentive for participation supported with clear perception to the measured featured and the importance of its measurement. 5) The response style of individuals differs according to number of alternatives and difference of school stage as it becomes of more spread and diversified as the mental and knowledge growth increases at the individual. Because availability of multi-alternatives grants the respondent more allowance to express himself with more precision reflecting what actually in his mind without falsification or tendency to one style of response. In the light of results reached by this study and the outcome of the previous studies results. A number of recommendations are suggested which concentrates on the importance of the number of measurement tools and that they should be scientifically specified instead of being randomly selected. I.e. the measurement shall include 5 alternatives for higher knowledge stages and less for lower knowledge stages. Also we ensure on sensitivity of the tool and its distinguishing capability, taking care of its validity when applied on samples of high difference of ages and knowledge level even if it showed high reliability.

العلاقة بين السمات الشخصية والروح المعنوية لدى معلمي مؤسسات التربية الخاصة في الضفة الغربية

الاتجاهات السياسة وعلاقتها بالانتماء السياسي والعوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية لدى الشباب الفلسطينى فى غزه

د. عطا أحمد على شقفة

Title in English: 
The political tendencies and their relation to political affiliation and the five great factors of personality for youth in Gaza strip.
Abstract in English: 
Introduction Current study is in public frame of political psychology, as the researcher tries to study some international political tendencies (liberalism, radicalism, conservatism and fascism) with political affiliation and some personality traits represented in the five great factors of personality for Palestinian youth from universities students in Gaza strip, the researcher chose this sample due to its important and effective role in Palestinian political life, they are from activists in political work through student unions organizational efficiencies and other political activities with their different types as considered affiliated to Palestinian political organizations on earth. Study Significance It lies in trying to identify relation between all political tendencies and their relation to political affiliation and five great factors of personality for youth in Gaze strip; it is an important sample in Palestinian community, difficult political conditions reprinted in Israeli occupation, the trial to get rid of it imposes effectiveness and participation extent research of community individuals in facilitating their matters, value of every person in his community is identified through respecting his view and his contribution in facilitating his community matters, studies in field of political psychology in which few studies occur in frame of this study, the researcher hopes that this study contributes in putting small brick in political psychological edifice. Study Objectives Current study aims at the following: • Completing researchers work in field of political psychology, which represents a new addition for scientific researcher to identify relation between study variables. • Uncovering levels of political tendencies, political affiliation and five great factors of personality for Palestinian youth. • Identifying relation nature and its role between political tendencies, political affiliation and five great factors of personality for Palestinian youth to identify psychological case of owners’ different political tendencies and also affiliation and its relation to study variables, current study is new according to researcher knowledge on study sample in Palestinian community. • Uncovering differences and relations between (age, academic level, gender and political affiliation) and study variables. Study Hypotheses 1. There are no statistically significant relation between political tendencies and level of political affiliation for sample subjects. 2. There are no statistically significant relation between political tendencies and five great factors of personality for sample subjects. 3. There are no statically significant differences in political tendencies according to classifying variables. 4. There are no statistically significant differences in the five great factors of personality according to social type for sample subjects. 5. There are no statistically significant differences in political affiliation according to taxonomic variables for sample subjects. Study Sample The researcher chose study sample randomly from original study community, scales were applied on a sample consisting of 400 students of main Palestinian universities in Gaza governorates. Study sample were chosen from bachelor students in the four main universities in Gaza, which are (Al-Azhar, Al-Aqsa, Islamic and open Jerusalem universities) according to gender, educational level, age category, political affiliation of organization. Study Tools The researcher used the following tools that are appropriate with study variables: • Political tendencies test, prepared by the researcher • Political affiliation test, prepared by the researcher • The five factors of personality test prepared by Kosta and Mackry) translated and prepared by the researcher Statistical Methods The researcher used SPSS version II for data dump and treating them as what follow: A. Statistical methods used in ascertaining tools validity and reliability: • Pearson correlation coefficients • Spearman – Brown coefficient and Guzman equation. B. Statistical methods used in answering study inquiries: • Pearson correlation coefficients • T. test • Uni-variance analysis • Shefih test Study Results • There is a relation between liberalism and fascism radicalism and political affiliation • There is no statistically significant relation between conservatism and political affiliation • There is a relation between fascism and affiliation to organization and political affiliation for males. • There is a relation between radicalism and political affiliation for females sample • There is a relation between conservatism and neuroticism and meekness dimension of personality factors for total sample subjects. • There is a relation between conservatism and extension dimension for male sample subjects. • There is a relation between conservatism and extension dimension for male sample subjects. • There is a relation between conservatism and clarity/openness dimension for female sample • There are no differences between average degrees of students group of both sexes in political tendencies (conservatism – radicalism – liberalism). • There are no differences between average degrees of sample on political tendencies (conservatism – radicalism – liberalism). • There are no differences between average degrees of political tendencies groups (conservatism – radicalism – liberalism) according to academic level variable. • There are no differences between average degrees of students group of both sexes in great factors of personality (extension, neuroticism). • There are no differences between average degrees of great factors groups of personality (extension, clarity/ openness, conscience awakening) according to age variable. • There are no differences between average degrees of great factors groups of personality (neuroticism, kindness/ meekness) according to school level variable. • There are statistically significant differences in personality two factors (extension, kindness/ meekness) according to party affiliation of sample subjects, differences in (kindness/ meekness) factor between Islamic jihad and Hamas two groups from side and Fateh movement in favor of Islamic jihad and Hamas two groups from sample subjects. • There are no differences between average degrees of students groups of both sexes in national affiliation dimension. • There are no differences between average degrees of political affiliation dimensions (affiliation to organization, political affiliation in the university, total degree of the scale) according to age variable. • Differences in national affiliation dimension were between Fateh movement and Islamic Jihad two groups in favor of Islamic Jihad group.

الاحتراق النفسي للمعلمين ذوي النمط (أ،ب) وعلاقته بأساليب مواجهة المشكلات

رسالة ماجستير


دراسة جسد ةٌ الشكل السوماتوفورمية دراسة مقارنة ب نٌ الأسو اٌء ومرضى الضغط الأساسي في سمات الشخصية

العلاقة بين الأفكار العقلانية –اللاعقلانية ومستوياٌت الصحة النفسية عند عينة من طلبة جامعة عمان الأهلية

دراسة لإبعاد شخصیة طلبة الدبلوم المھني في قطاع غزة وعلاقتھما ببعضالمتغیرات

قدم ھذا البحث استكمالاً لنیل درجة الماجستیر لقسم علم النفس بكلیة التربیةفي الجامعة الإسلامیة بغزة
تهدف الدراسة إلي :
-1 التعرف علي أبعاد الشخصية لطلبة الدبلوم المهني في قطاع غزة


العوامل النفسية والاجتماعية المسئولة عن العنف المدرسي في المرحلة الإعدادية كما يدركها المعلمون والتلاميذ في قطاع غزة

المناخ النفسي الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالطمأنينة الانفعالية وقوة الأنا لدى طالبات الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة

رسالة مقدمة لقسم علم النفس بكلية التربية بالجامعة الإسلامية
كمتطلب تكميلي لنيل درجة الماجستير في علم النفس


فاعلية برنامج إرشادي مقترح لتخفيف الاكتئاب لدى أمهات الأطفال المصابين بمرض سوء التغذية

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