سالم الوهابي

ربط منهج التربية الوطنية في المرحلة الثانوية بالمجتمع من خلال مشروعات التعلم الخدمي

يهدف البحث إلى إمكانية ربط منهج التربية الوطنية بالمجتمع من خلال
بعض مشروعات التعلم الخدمي في المرحلة الثانوية. وقد تم اقتراح قائمة

Title in English: 
Infusing Citizenship Education in Secondary Schools with the Society through Service Learning Projects
Abstract in English: 
This research intended to examine the conent of the textbooks of citicenship education in secondary schools. The researcher used the method of content analysis, using the Model of Service Learning Goals that was developed by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer. The most important findings of the research are as following: - The possibility of implementing the suggested service learning (SL) projects within the curriculum of citizenship education (CE) in secondary schools based on the elements of (SL) that was suggested by the literature review - The possibility of implementing the suggested (SL) projects whether their goals are charity or change
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