التربية والتعليم

العولمة ودور التربية المعلوماتية في مواجهة أقنعتها " دراسة تحليلية "

العولمة ودور التربية المعلوماتية في مواجهة أقنعتها " دراسة تحليلية "

Title in English: 
Globalization and the role of information technology education in the face convinced her "analytical study"
Abstract in English: 
Never in the history of mankind before it emerges on the surface of the stream intellectual, political, social, economic and cultural international community has raised controversy and confusion, anxiety and apprehension as he did, called the current term of globalization.

فاعلية ‏‎ ‎إستراتيجيتي‎ ‎‏ الإدراك ‏‎ ‎فوق ‏‎ ‎المعرفية (النمذجة والتدريس التبادلي) في التحصيل والأداء ‏العملي لمادة البصريات الهندسية العملي ودافعيتهم لتعلم المادة

يهدف البحث‎ ‎الحالي إلى معرفة تأثير فاعلية إستراتيجيتي الإدراك فوق المعرفية ‏‏(النمذجة والتدريس التبادلي) في التحصيل والأداء العملي للطلبة في مادة البصريات ‏الهندسية العملي ودافعيتهم لتعلم المادة. ولتحقيق هدف البحث تمت صياغة الفرضيات ‏الصفرية الآتية:‏
‏(1)‏ لا يوجد فرق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلاله 0.05 بين متوسط درجات ‏الطلبة في التحصيل لمادة البصريات الهندسية العملي لمجموعات البحث الثلاث.‏
‏(2)‏ لا يوجد فرق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلاله 0.05 بين متوسط درجات‎ ‎الطلبة ‏في الأداء العملي لمادة البصريات الهندسية العملي لمجموعات البحث الثلاث.‏

Title in English: 
The Affectivity of Meta – Cognitive Strategies (Modeling ‎and Reciprocal Teaching) on the Achievement and ‎ Experimental Performance for the Experimental Geometrical ‎ Optics and TheirMotivation to Learn the Topic
Abstract in English: 
The Affectivity of Meta – Cognitive Strategies (Modeling ‎and Reciprocal Teaching) on the Achievement and ‎ Experimental Performance for the Experimental Geometrical ‎ Optics and TheirMotivation to Learn the Topic ‎ Prof. Dr. Majeda Ibrahem Al-Baouy &Dr.Huda Kareem Husein Al-Kafaji The present work aims at knowing the effect of meta-cognitive ‎strategies on the achievement and experimental performance for the ‎students in the geometrical optics and their motivation to learn this ‎topic. In order to achieve the work aim, the following two null ‎hypotheses has been formulated:‎ ‎1)‎ There is no difference of a statistical indication at level (0.05) ‎between the average of the student's achievement degrees in the ‎experimental geometrical optics for the three research groups.‎ ‎2)‎ There is no difference of a statistical indication at level (0.05) ‎between the average of the student's degrees in the experimental ‎performance of the geometrical optics for the three research ‎groups.‎ ‎3)‎ There is no difference of a statistical indication at level (0.05) ‎between the average of the student's degrees in the motivation ‎scale for learning experimental geometrical optics for the three ‎research groups.‎ The satisfaction of truthiness of these hypotheses has been ‎carried out by making an experiment, its period extended along one ‎complete semester namely the first term. The research population ‎consist of the second stage students at the Physics department of ‎Education college in Al-Mustansiriyah university for academic year ‎‎2010-2011. Research sample has been chosen randomly, where its ‎total number being (45) student distributed over three groups. The ‎equivalence between the research groups has ensure through the ‎variables: age in month, previous information, learning motivation ‎and intelligence.‎ The researcher, by herself, has been perpetrated the experimental ‎requirements, which are scientific topic determination, behavior ‎purposes, teaching planes, experiments guide, teacher guide in ‎accordance to meta-cognitive strategies modeling and reciprocal ‎teaching.‎ As long as research tools is concerned, three tools is prepared ‎namely a test for achievement (since there are no suitable ones for ‎research purposes), observation form and scale for motivation to ‎learn the topic under consideration. Concerning with the scientific ‎achievement test, a 25 objective testing items are formulated of ‎multiple choice sort since it have a high degree of reliability, don’t ‎affected by corrector personality, provide well cover to the study ‎topic and determine, with a high degree, the aimed learn products. ‎However, to ensure the validity of the test it is presented for several ‎referees in education and teaching methods disciplines so as to ‎formulated its items scientifically and technically. Also, the ‎validity, reliability, distinguish coefficient, complexity coefficient ‎and exchange activity for the test has been computed.‎ Furthermore, researcher has prepared the evaluation tool for the ‎final experimental performance (observation form), where the ‎analytical method is dependent to evaluate the final experimental ‎performance. It consist of conversion of any performance activity ‎into steps, specified and sequential behavior actions set up as ‎descriptive on data-description report scale have five dimension to ‎aid for level determination of student performance. Then, the ‎content truth is ensure by means of presenting observation form ‎together with topic content on several expert and disciplines ‎referees in physics and physics teaching methods departments. In ‎order to reinforce the objectivity and reliability of the form, ‎researcher has determine the reliability coefficient for the ‎observation form by using Berson’s correlated coefficient equation.‎ Additionally, the motivation scale toward geometrical optics ‎topic learning is prepared, where it consist of (35) items, its ‎apparent truthiness has been ensure by presenting it for experts. The ‎distinguish force and reconstruction truth are obtained, after ‎training the scale on two training samples, by finding internal ‎consistency between the degree of each item and hence the test ‎reliability is checked using α-reliability coefficient. ‎ When students finished the study and practice of all of the ‎excitements, the research groups are examined by achievement, ‎experimental performance and motivation scale tests. When the data ‎being analyzed using singular variance analyses (to reveals ‎deference) and T-method (for reveal deference direction and the ‎group of influence) it is clearly shows deference of statistical ‎inductions. Accordingly it is clear that the superiority of first ‎training group that thought the topic according to meta-cognitive ‎strategy (modeling) in performance and learning motivation over ‎the remaining two groups. The meta-cognitive strategies (modeling ‎and reciprocal teaching) are gives equal results concerning ‎achievement and both of them being superior over the third group. ‎Furthermore the group thought by reciprocal teaching found to be ‎superior over the adjusted group concerning achievement, ‎experimental performance and learning motivation. So the null ‎hypotheses are rejected. ‎ The most important conclusion the researcher achieved from ‎this investigation is that, the using of the meta-cognitive strategies ‎‎(modeling and reciprocal teaching) were effective to raise the level ‎of studying achievement, experimental performance and learning ‎motivation for the student under consideration. Actually, this in ‎consistence with our study terms in all of the education stages, also ‎the model and byword form a main basic to the learner in classroom ‎rather than exchange teaching strategy. According to the results of ‎this work several recommendations and suggestions were ‎formulated. ‎

اثر برنامج محوسب (‏EWB‏) قائم على النمذجة والمحاكاة في الاداء العملي ‏ وتنمية مهارات ما وراء المعرفة لدى طلبة قسم الفيزياء

يهدف البحث الحالي‎ ‎‏ إلى التعرف على اثر برنامج محوسب ( ‏EWB‏ ) قائم على النمذجة والمحاكاة في ‏الداء العملي وتنمية مهارات ما وراء المعرفة لدى طلبة قسم الفيزياء ,‏


التربية في إطار منحى النظم

د.عبدالمجيد حميد الكبيسي : التربية في إطار منحى النظم

التربية في إطار منحى النظم
( النظام والنظام التربوي)

د.عبدالمجيد حميد الكبيسي

دليل الانشطة التدريبية التربوية

دینامیكیة الأنشطة التدریبیة
لرفع كفایة المعلمین والمدرسین
مجموعة استمارات احصائیة اجرائیة مترابطة( تشكل دلیلا للعمل)
في مجالات الانشطة التدریبیة التربویة لقسم الاعداد والتدریب

تأثير استراتيجية إتقن المقترحة في تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية الناطقين بلغات أخرى

هذا بحث بعنوان :
تأثير استراتيجية إتقن المقترحة في تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية الناطقين بلغات أخرى
د.علي عبد المحسن الحديبي


تأريخ تطوير النظام التعليمي وعلاقته بمنظومية التعليم والتعلم


Title in English: 
The history of the development of the educational system / and its relationship to the Systemic of teaching and learning .
Abstract in English: 
Introduction:     When it comes to the history of educational development, we find that it is a story of ideas gradual confluence, have taken place over many decades. Also, many of these ideas the author attributed a system to many different sources, but still many of these ideas overlap with the concepts and procedures of educational development.     It started years pre-twenties and found it difficult as it was documenting ideas and dated accurately, because these ideas emerge from the ideas of the past and move into the next decades as a result of those ideas. The use of time contracts will provide a bridge cognitively can connect the reader to the educational development of the main events. In short, for the time period, according to sources.         We have flourished educational development since the term of the sixties and in this chapter can discuss the historical lines of that period as a historical task of the burgeoning field of educational development, where education systems connect the components and the recognition of their system. It was:   (Robert Glaser (Robert Glasser, 1968, and (Robert Gagne (Robert Gangne; 1962 one of the first who discussed the concept of educational systems. Has been described, "Glaser" term educational development and named its components separated and represented graphically, as clearly described the relationship between psychological research in learning and educational practice, and the need for professionals engaged in the development of science education technology. issued in 1965, "Robert Gagne" book "Terms  Learning, "which was a landmark expansion in analysis of learning objectives and linking the different categories of learning objectives appropriate instructional designs. The Calendar and feedback characteristics essential systems. Has become clear that the available test construction methods that produced the standard tests were inadequate for assessing the effectiveness of educational systems, These tests identify the teacher's performance through the grades of other students who take the test himself. because educational systems have been designed to achieve the objectives of predetermined, requesting evaluation tests can be interpreted in light of the skills required in advance and renewable Mastery.                                                                   (Gary Angeline (2003:16   And educational development known as:      Self-correction systems approach seeks to apply scientifically derived principles in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of effective and efficient instruction. The way in which the steps are the process varies from one model to another. (Andrews & Goodson, 1980:2-16)


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